How to Use & FAQ

Item Sharing

The Item Sharer can share listings from nearly any place on Poshmark. To run,

  1. Navigate to the page you want to share items from, e.g. your closet.
  2. Click the 'Item Sharing' expandable within Simple Posher.
  3. If you would like to share a certain number of items, enter that number into the box that says ‘Number of items to share’
  4. If you would like to randomize the order of the shared items, check the box next to ‘Randomize items.’ Otherwise, items will be shared in the order they appear.
  5. If you would like the item sharer to continuously run on the page until you press stop, check the box next to ‘Infinite share’
  6. Click ‘Start Sharing’
  7. The page will refresh & show available items only if this is not already selected.
  8. If you're in a closet, please stay on the page while the full closet loads.
  9. Simple Posher will begin sharing items on the page.
  10. Items shared will be logged to the console window.
  11. The item sharer will continue sharing items until it has shared the number of items you’ve selected, or all of the items on your page, depending on what you've selected.
  12. If infinite share is checked, Simple Posher will continue sharing items on the page until you press ‘Stop Sharing’ or a Captcha appears.

What do I do if the reCaptcha pops up?

  1. Check the box under ‘I am not a robot’ and wait for the green checkmark to appear.
  2. Press the ‘Start Sharing’ button again.
  3. The Item Sharer will continue where it left off.

What do I do if the Item Sharer has stopped?

This usually happens because a reCaptcha popped up and sat idle for a while. The box will disappear after sitting for a bit.

  1. Try sharing one item manually or pressing the ‘Start’ button to see if the reCaptcha pops up.
  2. Check the box under ‘I am not a robot’ and wait for the green checkmark to appear.
  3. Press the ‘Start’ button.

Help, I want to keep my closet in a certain order!

The reverse sharing option is here to help! Try the following:

  1. Scroll down to load your full closet.
  2. Click "Available Items Only" in the sidebar of your Poshmark closet.
  3. Check the "Reverse Sharing Order" checkbox. Make sure "Infinite Share" is not checked.
  4. Make sure the time delay is fairly high--I set a time between 4 and 5 seconds between shares to make sure items do not get mixed up.
  5. Click 'Start Sharing'
  6. If you get a Captcha during this process, don't refresh the page. Just click the checkbox and restart the sharer to maintain your closet order.

The console says my items are being shared but they're not actually showing up as shared in Poshmark.

You probably have a temporary share freeze from Poshmark. Take a break and then try to do some manual shares. If everything is working, try setting a higher time delay to avoid this issue.

Party Sharing

Party sharing can be completed from anywhere that Item Sharing works. Here's how to use this feature:

  1. The current party will be listed within the extension next to "Current Party." If no parties are happening, it will say "no parties happening now."
  2. Navigate to whatever page you want to share to the party from, e.g. your closet.
  3. The keywords tell the Party Sharer which items to to share to the current party. You can input keywords for anything you want to share (separated by commas). For example, for the "Lululemon, Adidas, Nike, Athleta, and Electric Yoga Party" my keywords would be: lululemon, adidas, nike, athleta, electric yoga. It is not case sensitive. For something like the "Best in Dresses & Skirts Party" my keywords could be: dress, gown, skirt.
  4. Use singular words (e.g. "dress" instead of "dresses"). The sharer will find any instance of this word, even if it's part of another word (e.g. "sundress").
  5. For a broader category party like "Best in Kids", you can choose to show the relevant items in your closet only (click the "Kids" category), and then check the "Share all Items to Page" checkbox. Both this checkbox and the "Share to Party Checkbox" must be checked to share items to party.
  6. Click the Item Sharer start button. From here, it will work like Item Sharing.


If an item is unable to be shared to the party (as in, it does not fit the party theme), you will receive an error message.

Edit > Next > List Sharing

With Edit Sharing, you can edit > next > list items from your closet, skipping sold items and Meet the Posher listings. To run,

  1. Navigate to your closet.
  2. If you would like to share a certain number of items, enter this number into the box that says ‘Number of items to share’
  3. If you would like to randomize the order of the shared items, check the box next to ‘Randomize items’. Otherwise, items will be shared in the order they appear.
  4. If you would like the item sharer to continuously run on the page, check the box next to ‘Infinite share.’ This is not recommended for this type of sharing because Poshmark has a low threshold of items that can be edit shared before they place a temporary 24-hour freeze on this type of sharing—-which also affects listing new items.
  5. Click ‘Start Edit Sharing'
  6. The page will refresh & show available items only if this is not already selected.
  7. Please remain on the page while Simple Posher scrolls to load all new items.
  8. Simple Posher will continue edit sharing items from your closet until it has shared the number of items you’ve selected, or all of the items in your closet if you did not enter a number.
  9. If infinite share is checked, the Edit Sharer will return to the top of the closet and continue sharing until you either press ‘Stop Edit Sharing’ or a Captcha appears.

What do I do if the reCaptcha pops up?

  1. Check the box under ‘I am not a robot’ and wait for the green checkmark to appear.
  2. Navigate back to your closet.
  3. Press the ‘Start’ button under 'Edit Share'.

What do I do if it says there’s an error and won’t share the item?

This happens when you’ve edit-shared too many items in one day, regardless of whether not you are using an automation software. This kind of sharing is more taxing on the Poshmark servers, so they place a temporary freeze on sharing items. You should be able to edit-share again within 24 hours. If you cannot, please contact Poshmark support.

Auto Following & Unfollowing

With Auto Following, you can follow users from any page on Poshmark, including the homepage, Meet the Posher page, and of course the followers/following pages inside users' closets. If you would like to unfollow users, simply navigate to the 'following' page inside your closet.

To follow users,

  1. Navigate to any page where you would like to follow users.
  2. Scroll down as far as you'd like to load users.
  3. Click 'Start Auto Following'
  4. Simple Posher will begin following all unfollowed users on the current page. If this is a followers/following page, it will load all users on the page and follow them in order. On any other page, it will navigate from one closet to the next, following users that you haven't followed yet.
  5. To unfollow users, simply use the above instructions and and then click 'Start Unfollowing.'

What do I do if the reCaptcha pops up?

  1. Check the box under ‘I am not a robot’ and wait for the green checkmark to appear.
  2. Press 'Start' again.

News Feed Activity Returning

With News Feed Activity Returning, you can reciprocate follows, shares, and likes from other Poshmark users. For each share from a user, this module will share one item from that user’s closet, with an additional share for each like or love note from that user. As usual, it will skip sold items and Meet the Posher listings. It will also follow the user back if they are currently unfollowed by you.

This module can only ‘see’ the activity that is loaded on the News Feed page at the start, so be sure to scroll down to load all of the activity you would like to reciprocate. For example, in the mornings, I usually load all activity from the previous 8+ hours or so that I was sleeping.

To use this module,

  1. Navigate to your News Feed.
  2. Scroll down to load all of the activity you would like to return.
  3. Press ’Start Returning Activities'
  4. The module will navigate to the first user’s page, follow them, and return all of their shares and likes. It will return a follow for a love note. If they did not share any of your items, it will not share any of theirs. When it is finished with one user, it will move onto the next user until it has returned activity for the full list of users loaded on the News Feed.

What do I do if the reCaptcha pops up?

  1. Check the box under ‘I am not a robot’ and wait for the green checkmark to appear.
  2. Click ’Start’ under 'Activity Returner'
  3. Refresh the page and this module will begin running again.

What do I do if 'Page Not Found' comes up?

This means Poshmark couldn't find that user--it's possible they deleted their account. Press the 'Skip to Next User' Button.

I'm on some page that says "followed, success: true"?

I'm not sure why this happens, but if you click the back arrow the Activity Returner will continue normally.

What do I do if the Activity Returner has stopped?

This usually happens because a reCaptcha popped up and sat idle for a while. The box will disappear after sitting for a bit.

  1. Try sharing a few items manually to see if the reCaptcha pops up.
  2. If so, check the box under ‘I am not a robot’ and wait for the green checkmark to appear.
  3. Press ’Start Returning Activity'


How long is the free trial?

The free trial is 7 days. You will be alerted within the extension once the trial is finished.

How do I pay? Is it safe?

All payment is handled through Stripe, via our website at and is very safe. I do not have access to any of your payment details or information other than the email address you register with.

How do I edit my payment info?

You can edit your payment information by logging into

Can I cancel my subscription if I don't like it?

You can cancel at any time at . W

I paid, but I'm still getting the "free trial ended" message.

TPlease contact us through our contact form

Can I get a refund?

We offer refunds on a conditional basis. If you're having any problems with the extension, please fill out our customer support form here.


None of the functions seem to be working?

Sometimes this happens when the extension is first installed or updated. Please try the following:

  • Hard refresh Poshmark several times. On Windows: hold down CTRL and click the page reload button, on Mac: hold Shift and click the reload button
  • Close Chrome completely & reopen it.
  • Disable any adblockers you may be using.
  • Remove the extension & reinstall it (you can click the 'Try Now' button even if you've paid before, just login with the same email address you paid with).
  • Restart your computer.
  • If that doesn't help, please contact fill out our customer support form here.

    Aren't Poshmark bots not allowed? Can this get me banned?

    Short answer: Poshmark bots are discouraged but getting found out is highly unlikely and getting your account banned is even more so.

    Long answer: Poshmark does mention in their community guidelines that they discourage automation--this is where they also have rules about what to sell and what not to sell, bullying/harassment--things that sellers get away with frequently. It's unlikely that Poshmark would know you are using the Simple Posher extension because it's designed to mimic human activity as closely as possible (and in fact is designed to run more slowly than you can share so you can leave it running for long periods) and to stop when reCaptchas pop up. 

    As far as I'm aware, as long as the rest of your activity is within Poshmark guidelines and you aren't harassing other users, Poshmark doesn't care what you do. More sales for you = more money in their pockets, since they make money every time we do.

    That said, the use of Simple Posher is at your own risk. Simple Posher is not liable for any issues that occur within your Poshmark account based on using this extension. That said, I have been using Simple Posher in my own closet since I built it nearly 4 years ago. I am highly invested in its safety and have a lot of faith in it to work well, and I'm always making tweaks to help it work better. 

    Have questions/issues or want to submit a bug?
    Fill out our customer support form here.

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